Tuesday, December 16, 2008


how can i start this story? ==!
straight to the point... my Leg, my Butt, My hands, my Chest is in pain...
why leh?
cLub lo... accidently provoke people who knows how to push well...

hmmm... so i got pushed into the pool and hit something. lucky i manage not to get a knock on the head or else i think i'll be visited in the hospital == or graveyard. touch wood.
that push really gave my butt a nasty bump.. can't really walk properly...

pictures are taken after being thrown into the pool. cs also another waterfish, the guy wearing white shirt so smart til he take the table to clip himself tightly ==!

till the next morning i still have to attend the MCA blah blah blah futsol tournament. this is the best part.. i got knock on the hand chest butt again(another side) then got shot on the leg till i can't even press the car accelerator properly... guess what.. highway 60 =) not bad ar.. safety~

and then,
TODAY LEH WoW?? i'm a god daddy already... thats something new to life..
haIzzzzzz... firstly.. is shocking.. suppose to be on christmas where i can prepare myself... but who knows ==?!! early arrival...

anyway, congratz dear god brother and ah sao... she's given by god... yea yea i know, macam you say on the phone " she's very cute, just like me " ==!" gosh...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

my bro's birthday night ==!

busy busy busy walking here and there...
soo many people birthday...
tonight i met so many sriklian... junior, senior and same batch...
din't know so many of sriklian is MOS kaki... till tonight... it was so not nice of me... they say " hey... you're our senior right??" then i was like uhh??? what a joke.. i can't recognize till they say they are my junior.. hahaha... nice meeting you guys anyway...

hmmm.. another thing is.. my little brother is a very lousy drinker... so fast KO and i'm still standing there laughing(no offense but you are a really lousy drinker). surprised after i went barcelona and cocobanana to drink few sec and come back lil bro turn out missing in action...

hmm... consider a great night.. i can see someone i admire/love there and many others... Toh and bazli as well.. not to forget them... ==!" toh changed... in someway of maturing.. Bazli... from a lion king to a lion queen(chill chill)... not bad, suits his style... ^^v btw.. do i really look like a small little quiet ah loong??

do i really look like that ==!?!?!?!?!? keeps me wondering.... peace ^^v

And happy birthday little bro.. grow taller la pleasE!@#!@#!@

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My lousy night...

no money no money... why why why?
i really respect policemen nowadays. They are sooo straight forward to the main point. Imagine, less than 1 minute ; no need license and IC... hahhahaha... then leh.. when i go genting leh.. hand itchy loh... got another 150 in pocket.. take out 100 play loh... hahaha supposingly winning de~ who know suddenly the card dealer's hand so smelly 4 rounds KO me... ==!

haiZzz.. suan liao la.. the least i can control myself... not like some others play until willing to beg people for money just to survive...

hmmmm... the good part bout yesterday was only the photo part... now i know that my handphone N73, was a pimple-proof<<(i got spell correct arR???) camera... hhohOHoHOo...

See... ?? cannot see leh?? if you can see maybe you need specs ==!
about this bananas... this are called lanjiao.. spoilt banana...
don't know who choose de ==! =p
hmm... not bad la.. i guess today should be a quiet day cause no phone ringing... yaaHoo.. sLeep... ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz.... till here full stop. =)

Monday, December 1, 2008


here i go again... i guess this is my 3rd blog account.. the rest of it hilang password and account..

as usual.. life sucks in someway.. so unpredictable, miserable, and ohhh~~?? i don't really know how to explain "ohhh~~"

what i really know is

1. that i'm still learning everyday, to be bad?good?, spending hell lots of money like as if there is no limit... ==!"

2. i'm gonna be uncle pok very very very soon -________-!

3.Love is Pain.

4.Pain is Love.

5.Love is bLind.

6.你绝得黑不是黑, 你说得白是草鸡白

7.i'm getting older & older & older.... i'm so confused bout my look... my neighbour thought that i was my father's brother, but when i went clubbing at barcelona that day ==! they check my IC HohOhoHOohoho...

8. talking bout club leh... november, i saw 2 of my middle school friends & lil bro's friend in MOS... i would like to say thank you to Yap Yang.. you're just too kind to me... HahaHAHha... And is a big surprise from Raymond Wong, woaHhhhh~~~ makes me wonder if raymond got thinner in australia, me leh?? think of it... i wonder what happened to the others ==! seem to be missing somewhere...

my life after leaving Srikl.. most of the pictures gone missing.. blame the virus... and blame me...

Hopefully next year will be a good year for me la~ kena lottery few million $$ walauwehh... what a dream that will be...

HahAha... slowly wait la... kinda think of it, life not that bad laa~ maybe just too sensitive bout some things ==!" have to be patient, have to be patient, have to be patient, have to be patient. have to be rich, have to be rich, have to be rich, have to be rich.

Christmas is coming... i don't want to end up being a santa claus again T.T