Thursday, December 4, 2008

my bro's birthday night ==!

busy busy busy walking here and there...
soo many people birthday...
tonight i met so many sriklian... junior, senior and same batch...
din't know so many of sriklian is MOS kaki... till tonight... it was so not nice of me... they say " hey... you're our senior right??" then i was like uhh??? what a joke.. i can't recognize till they say they are my junior.. hahaha... nice meeting you guys anyway...

hmmm.. another thing is.. my little brother is a very lousy drinker... so fast KO and i'm still standing there laughing(no offense but you are a really lousy drinker). surprised after i went barcelona and cocobanana to drink few sec and come back lil bro turn out missing in action...

hmm... consider a great night.. i can see someone i admire/love there and many others... Toh and bazli as well.. not to forget them... ==!" toh changed... in someway of maturing.. Bazli... from a lion king to a lion queen(chill chill)... not bad, suits his style... ^^v btw.. do i really look like a small little quiet ah loong??

do i really look like that ==!?!?!?!?!? keeps me wondering.... peace ^^v

And happy birthday little bro.. grow taller la pleasE!@#!@#!@


Vivi x said...

when u wanna bring me there :(

yhtan said...

clubbing is bad xD